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ningbo hezhou controller technology co., ltd. has an independent product research and development center, a leading domestic explosion-proof pressure controller assembly line and a complete digital display pressure controller spare parts processing base. it specializes in the research and development of automatic control components and the production and sales of pressure switch controllers. and import and export trade.隶属于华广传媒有限公司,是1997年创建的广告行业第一家互联网平台,在业内以A网著称;经过26年的历史沉淀及资源积累,中华广告网已成为中国广告传媒行业主流权重平台及著名品牌.中华广告网整合了媒体、广告主、广告服务公司、消费者等广告传媒行业全产业链要素资源,以A illuminance meter, tachometer, push-pull force meter, pressure controller, coating thickness meter, wood moisture meter A金融(与北京市文资中心合作,为广告传媒行业提供投融对接服务)、A营销(营销传播)、A business company +移动互联网+大数据以及「网络营销优化」、「社群营销」、「智能营销」等创新产品,优化企业营销传播路径,实现企业品效合一,加速企业数字化转型 shanghai shuangxu electronics co., ltd. is a professional supplier of gas detectors, halogen leak detectors, and flammable gas detectors. its main products are: gas detectors, halogen leak detectors, flammable gas detectors, etc. shanghai shuangxu electronics co., ltd. not only has professional technical level, but also has good after-sales service and high-quality solutions. welcome to call us for discussion. 2025-01-08
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